GreatBizNow™ Helps Business Development Centres and Educational Institutions Serve People More Efficiently

Who We Help

  • Economic Development Departments (Regions/Counties/Municipalities, etc.)
  • Business development agencies/associations (Small Business Centres, Chamber of Commerce, CFDC’s and sector specific development agencies, etc.)
  • Business Incubators/accelerators 

"Greatbiznow helps us to serve our clients more effectively  by providing us with innovative tools and resources." Wendy Onstein, Leeds Grenville Small Business Entrepreneurship Centre

What We Stand For

Integrity, Quality, Customer Commitment, Passion & Partnership to Fuel Community Growth

Our Vision

To increase prosperity for entrepreneurs & communities worldwide.

Our Mission

To provide effective, measurable entrepreneur support, training, tools & resources.

We are the source for new and innovative solutions for all your needs.

Learn More About What We Can Do For Your Organization

Our Services


Business Planning Readiness Challenge

Planning Tool For People Thinking About Starting a Business


Use our innovative tool to help educate new clients about business planning and make your "start-up"intake process more efficient.


Saves You Time & HR Costs


Click Here


Business Prosperity Program

Formal Coaching Program For Your Existing Businesses


This program transfers knowledge to your existing business clients so that they can grow & expand.


Add Jobs!  Participating Business Survival Rate 20% Higher Than Average!


Click Here


KP Tracker

Software built specifically for Ec Dev Centres

KP Tracker is a software dashboard that simplifies the management of your Economic Development Centre clients and key performance data

Click Here 

Have questions? Just ask, we are experts!